Step into a realm where perception dances with reality, where the senses awaken to a symphony of sensations unlike any other. You are cordially invited to The Filthy French, a soiree that transcends the ordinary bounds of celebration.

Join us from sunset to sunrise as we explore the depths of sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, and the engimatic sixth sense, enveloping ourselves in a tapestry of delectable delights. Be prepared to indulge in a day where the boundaries between perception and reality blur, leaving you spellbound and craving more.

Ticket options include dinner, soirée, sunrise, and luxury accommodations, both on and off-site. Once approved, you'll have full access to these choices.

Thank you for your interest in the 'Filthy French Immersive Dinner Experience'. Please complete the application to attend the exclusive event on June 1st.